

Friday, December 16, 2011

Five Minute Friday - Connected

Happy Friday.  I am taking part in another Five Minute Friday.  Head on over to The Gypsy Mama to find out what it's all about.


Are you connected with others?  I think most of us are connected, but a good bit of that connecting is with electronics and not people.  Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the benefit of computers, cell phones and more, I just don't want to lose sight of what is truly important.  Am I connected with people?  You never know when a word fitly spoken will be just the encouragement a person needs.  Am I connected with my children or am I browsing blogs and facebook while they play without any interaction from me.  I do believe it is good for kids to play on their own, sometimes.  I also know it is good for kids to play with their parents, tying those strings of relationship that are so important and so lacking in many families today.  Am I connected with my kids or am I simply shouting orders and giving lessons?  There is a lot of truth to the saying "actions speak louder than words".  What are my actions telling my children?  Am I teaching them the most important things in life by my actions?  How do you teach a child about true joy?  They will put their joy in what you put your joy in.  I have been thinking about little topics like this lately and purposing to be more connected with my kids and making sure I am living the life I want them to live.  "Life is but a vapor" and soon my days with my children will be over.  Will I have spent them wisely, as God would have had me do or will I have wasted them?  I hope in the end I will hear a "Well done".

A Special Sewing Basket

I have a special basket, my Nana gave to me.  It was her grandmother's sewing basket.  What makes this basket so special besides the fact that it is piece of history from my own family?  Let me show you some pics.

My great, great grandmother's bonnet.

 Sunbonnet Sue Quilt patch

With a friends suggestions I decided to reline the basket with new material.  The old lining was literally falling apart everywhere.  Here are some after pics of what the lining looks like now.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Flu Shot is being Preached form the Pulpits???

I receive the Mercola emails.  Now just to make sure we are all clear, I am not some excessive, crazy health nut person.  I believe moderation is a good line to follow.  We eat pizza, hamburgers and cookies, etc. on occasion.  My curiosity was peaked when I saw the headline for the article If You Go to Church, Heed This Warning.  
Even my OBGYN is advising pregnant women NOT to get the flu vaccine.  
I just wanted to share for those who might be interested in reading the article.