On to the goodies. Here is a pic of my first smocked project. I made a dress and sandals for my little girl.
I think I'm allergic to starting out simple. I did not have a smocked dress pattern so I adjusted a regular pattern I already had. I made up the pattern for the sandals. If I get brave I may do up a tutorial for them shortly.
I taught myself to smock with google, pinterest and youtube. Here are some of the links I used.
Mary Grace Designs: (click the picture)
Smocking plate that I used. I adjusted it to fit a smaller dress top.
Here is a link to my smocking board on pinterest. My next smocked project will be matching dresses (maybe bishop style) for both of my girls. I'm thinking Christmas or maybe Easter. My projects take a lot longer with my little one. ;-) I am so glad that I finally learned to smock and I wish I would have done it sooner.
And now for some more pics!
Ruffle Butt