

Monday, July 25, 2011

Such a Tiny Thing with a Big Impact

This week my wee little one is barely the size of a grain of rice.  That is tiny! So why is it that something so small can reek havoc on my body and life?  Does it really have to be this bad?  This tiny little being has turned all my favorite foods into either no go's or vomit inducers. I am weak and tired and I feel like I am neglecting the rest of my family.  I am not one to spend 1/2 the day in bed even when I am sick, but that is exactly what I have been doing the past few days and the one day I didn't I sure wished I did.

Now my family is an awesome support and they are all great.  I just wish I could be back to my normal mama self.  I have so many things on my to-do list, no energy and honestly I kind of feel like a party-pooper.

Realizing how tiny this little miracle is and the huge impact it is having makes me wonder.  What kind of impact do I have?  Maybe my impact is a lot bigger than I would think it is.  Maybe my motives and actions are more important than I think.  Maybe I am just a small simple tool, but when placed in the Master's hand maybe I can be used to make a huge impact. And if this is true of me it is true of all of us.


  1. So sorry dear....I have heard that it will pass. I didn't have issues with morning sickness, THANK GOD, but I know many suffer vastly. I pray it's not the same for the end it will all be worth it! =)

  2. I am praying for you, physically and emotionally. I know how distressing and depressing pregancy illness can be. I know you know this, but you are growing a baby, each little part, organs, brain, arms, toes, etc. And that is far more important than dusting and mopping. Try to take care of you and rethink some of your priorities right now. Love & Hugs!!


Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. Eph 4:29