This story begins about a year ago with a young boy on his way to becoming a man and an inspiration to many. This young boy, only 12 years old was living a normal life for a twelve year old. He loved his family, his mom, dad, older brother and best friend and his little sister. He started having some puzzling health complications. After several doctor appointments and tests, he was given the news that he had a rare form of skin cancer. He went through surgery, chemo and special trial treatments during his sickness, but all of this is not what makes this a story of faith. This young boy never once complained, fell to depression or asked God "why me?". No, instead while recovering from surgery in NICU, he is quiet, he can't talk, one can only wonder what he is feeling, what is going through his mind, until you check your facebook page and see he has just posted a joke. Yes, he is still joking. This young boy is becoming a man, a man of faith right before your very eyes. He is standing strong. All this time his family is right there by his side. You can imagine the heartache they felt. His sweet mother tells him, "If God would let me, I would have this cancer instead of you." What do you think this young man of faith's response was? "No! Mom, don't say that. God gave it to me, because he knew I could handle it." Can you believe it? Such faith and strength for such a young person.
There came the day when he was given the news, the treatment is not working, the tumors are growing and more tumors were found. Did he get mad and curse God? No, he stood strong, hoped for a miracle and kept on. He said he was fine if God would cure him or take him home, either way. He knew this world was not his home, his home is in Heaven. He studied his Bible and excitedly told his mom of all that he was learning. He cautioned his mom on cartoons that his little sister would watch and told her of some that she should not let her watch at all. One last question, "Mom, when is Mother's Day?" This young man of faith passed away on Mother's Day, he was 13 years old.
This young man was my nephew through marriage and I count it a privilege to have met and known him. His life of faith speaks to me. He didn't have the faith to move mountains. He had a greater faith, the faith to walk through them. I wonder if I would have his faith. He was right, God knew he could handle it, just like God knew Job could handle it. Never have I ever known anyone personally who has had the faith that this young man had. It is like he is a modern day Bible story of a man of faith. If I could tell him one last thing it would be "Thank you, for standing strong, thank you for keeping the faith, thank you. I love you and I am humbled to have known you.' My children will grow up hearing the story of the boy who became a man with a giant faith.
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Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. Eph 4:29