2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community..
Roots are important. They determine how strong a plant is and how well it will grow. Roots are also important for people. They tell us who we are and where we came from. They are able to make us stand tall and strong. What is more important than being rooted in family? Don't get me wrong, family is very important and a big part of our lives, but there are some of us that for whatever our reasons or circumstances family just isn't an option. Family is still dreamed about, wished for and prayed for, but they are not a part of our daily lives. So let me ask again. What is more important than family? The answer Christ. I am remembering a little chorus that I've sung so many times over the years, but hold more and more true to my heart the older I get. 'Christ Is ALL I Need'. What a wonderful thought! When life is tough and not how we dreamed it would be, Christ is all I need. When my heart is aching, Christ is all I need. When my babies are sick, Christ is all I need. What does this have to do with roots? In order to be able to sing this chorus and to have this faith and trust, I need to be rooted in Christ. I want my roots to be strong. I would rather have strong spiritual roots than strong family roots any day. I would rather be physically weak and spiritually strong. These words are true, but dangerous because in order to have strong spiritual roots there will be trials and testing that is meant to make those roots grow and reach further into Christ. My prayer is for strong roots, that are rooted deep in Christ.
Christ Is All I Need
1. Christ is all I need, Christ is all I need, All, all I need. Christ is all I need, Christ is all I need, All all I need.
2. He was crucified, For me He died, On Calvary. That He loved me so, This is why I know Christ is all I need.
Visiting from FMF. You are so right about trials and testing being necessary to have strong roots. Learning these lessons as well.
ReplyDeleteSuch a truthful post.