

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

A Yummy Treat For My Yummy Man!

My Man and I make a great team! One of the areas that we work well together is the kitchen.  Even though The Man rarely does any cooking or baking, he helps. By help I really mean he is the one who brainstorms the ideas and I do the work to make it happen.  I love it when I can make his ideas come true. This treat is one of the results of our great teamwork. ;)

Berry Burst Cookies 'N' Cream Bark

1/2 a package of almond bark
about 1/2 a package of Berry Burst Ice Cream Oreos

 The steps:
Chop and melt almond bark
 (this can be done in the microwave or on the stove top in a double boiler)
Let almond bark cool for a minute or two
Chop Oreos to desired size
Mix melted bark and cookie pieces
Spread on a lined (wax paper, foil, etc.) cookie sheet
Cool in refrigerator for 15-30 minutes
Break into pieces

Friday, April 12, 2013

Five Minute Friday - Here

Five Minute Friday

It may be late, but I'm joining in on Five Minute Friday.  It's fun and easy. There are only a few rules.
1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community..

For all the details and to join in head on over to  Lisa- Jo Baker.

Today's prompt - Here

When I think of here, I think of present. Then I wonder am I here? Am I present? Life gets so crazy with chores, to-do lists, running here and there, lesson plans and lessons that sometimes I feel the pile closing in on me. I'm buried under a never ending pile of must do's.  At the very same time, my kids are asking questions, learning, investigating, changing, growing. I think they are growing way too fast.  Then my mind begins to wonder, am I here for them how they need me to be?  Does it really matter when the clothes get washed or if they even get put away? As long as they have clean clothes that's all that matters, right? Does it really matter if there are scuffs on the wall and something sticky on the floor? What will they remember a mother who was too busy doing constantly, a mother they can't see for all her business with chores and such? No! I don't want that. I want them to remember a mother who loved them. A mother who kissed every boo boo, read stories just because, rocked in the rocking chair, sang songs and played games.  I want them to remember a mother who was a part, who was present, who was there (here) with them in their moment of youth.  I want to be here for my kids in the now.  The moment that they need me the most.  I want to be by their side.  And when life gets crazy and the pile gets deep, my prayer is that I will remember to just simply be here with my little ones.  All too soon there will come a day when I will have more hours than I need and clean and tidy house.  I'm sure in that day I will long to buried under the pile of to do's and to be with my kiddos again.  So here's to enjoying the Here!