

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

High Risk Blessings!

Yesterday we visited the high risk doctor.  For those who may not know I have type one diabetes and have had it for over 20 years.  I am the highest, high risk there is when it comes to diabetic high risk pregnancies.  I have people who care for me, love me and my little one to be enough to pray for us and God's help during this special time.  I couldn't be more grateful for these people in my life.  God is good and God is powerful.  The results of our appointment show that everything is right on schedule, baby is growing well and there are no noticeable signs of birth defects.  The praise and glory goes to God.  I know that there is no way I could do this without him.  Managing diabetes is hard, but add on the complexity of pregnancy and it just made hard/impossible even more so.  I thank God for keeping my little one safe and protecting it against my own bodies faults.  Lord willing sometime in late February, early March our little blessing will be born.

We were able to take Princess and Roochie with us for this appointment.  They got to see the ultra sound and the miracle of a tiny little person growing in mommy's tummy.  We had lots of good conversation during the ultra sound.  One of my favorite moments was when the technician told the kids the baby was waving at them, Roochie stood up on his chair and waved at the monitor.  The kids are so excited for their new baby to arrive.  I love seeing and hearing their excitement.  I am very glad we were able to spend this special time together as a family.

Abortion... A Horrible Reality

Have you ever stopped to soak in the reality of abortion and what it means?  When I was in high school I did a report on abortion.  The research I did has forever engrained images on my memory that I wish I could erase.  I do not understand how anyone who truly understands how abortion works could support it.  Did you know that the baby in the womb will move up higher and higher trying to get away from the suction? Did you know the suction literally rips their tiny bodies apart?  Did you know that the solution used burns their tiny bodies while they are still alive?  The innocent killed in such horrible wicked ways, while murderers are offered a nice little injection and a last meal.  Something isn't right.

The video at this link 180 movie shows how some have changed their position on the murdering of our babies/abortion. What is it that changed their minds?  Watch to find out.

Beware that the images at these links are graphic.

For more information check out the images and information at this link or this link.  There is much more information available.  Find the truth.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Cancer Hoax. What would you do?

I don't have cancer, yet.  I hope neither I nor anyone in my family or close friends ever get this terrible disease, but I know that more than likely some will.  My grandfather died from lung cancer.  He had conventional cancer treatments and he had a long, slow, painful death as his family watched on helplessly.  I haven't researched cancer in depth, because I haven't had to yet and there are so many different types it would be near impossible to guess which type I would need to know about, but I do know that if/when the time comes I will find an alternative to conventional cancer treatments. For some insights on the war on cancer and its flaws check out the video at this link.  The video is long, but well worth the watch in my opinion.  Beware what you will hear, may be upsetting.  The link is available at the Mercola website.

Did you know that conventional treatments can leave the person with brain damage, blind, hearing loss and even in a vegetable state only to name a few?  Did you know you may not have the right to choose the treatment you or your child will receive?  Did you know if you don't follow conventional treatments, your child's doctor may turn you in for medical neglect? 

I believe it is the right of every person/parent to make a truly informed decision on what type of treatments they will receive.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Five Minute Friday - Growing

It is time for another Five Minute Friday.  Hop on over to the Gypsy Mama for all the details and to join in.

This weeks prompt- Growing.


Growing, every growing never stopping.  Do you ever wish you could pause time?  Does it seem like it just flies by and you don't have enough time to soak in each stage of life?  It does for me.  It seems like yesterday I was getting married.  It seems like yesterday we brought home our first baby.  It seems like yesterday we brought home our second baby.  It seems like yesterday we found out we were expecting our third baby.  And today where are we today.  We have been married 7 1/2 years, our first is 6, our second is 5 and we are already into the second trimester with our third.  Where did the time go?  When did my babies grow up?  And I still can't believe I will have another baby, Lord willing sometime in Feb or March.  We are all growing, we cannot stop it or control it.  Only God the giver and taker of life can control our growing.  And yet while we are growing we are dying.  Are we prepared?  Do we even know what this means?  Are we sharing and helping other to be prepared for this reality?  Are we growing closer to God or are we dead spiritually?  These are some questions to think about.  It is good to examine our hearts and see where we are compared to where God would have us to be.  I hope I will continue to grow spiritually until the day that I die.  My hope and prayer is that I will be able to guide, teach and train my children as they will grow up in the Lord and so they can continue to grow closer to God throughout their lives.

Times up.  I am sure my thoughts could have kept on coming with this one.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Five Minute Friday - Joy!

It's time for another Five Minute Friday.  I haven't done one in a few weeks so was excited to do this weeks.  For all the details and to join hop on over to The Gypsy Mama.
Today's prompt- Joy.


I love joy.  Joy is more than happiness and sometimes there is joy without happiness.  That seems hard to believe, but I know it to be true.  Only Christ can give us true joy. 

Things that bring joy into my life:
Being a wife to The Man
Being Mom to my kids
The expectation of another sweet little bundle that will grown into a wonderfully unique person all their own
A new day, a fresh start
A completed job
A place to call home
Being with family
Special friends that add to my life in so many ways
Seeing God work in the lives of our children
Salvation-knowing no matter how rough things get here, in the end it will be worth it all.