

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Cancer Hoax. What would you do?

I don't have cancer, yet.  I hope neither I nor anyone in my family or close friends ever get this terrible disease, but I know that more than likely some will.  My grandfather died from lung cancer.  He had conventional cancer treatments and he had a long, slow, painful death as his family watched on helplessly.  I haven't researched cancer in depth, because I haven't had to yet and there are so many different types it would be near impossible to guess which type I would need to know about, but I do know that if/when the time comes I will find an alternative to conventional cancer treatments. For some insights on the war on cancer and its flaws check out the video at this link.  The video is long, but well worth the watch in my opinion.  Beware what you will hear, may be upsetting.  The link is available at the Mercola website.

Did you know that conventional treatments can leave the person with brain damage, blind, hearing loss and even in a vegetable state only to name a few?  Did you know you may not have the right to choose the treatment you or your child will receive?  Did you know if you don't follow conventional treatments, your child's doctor may turn you in for medical neglect? 

I believe it is the right of every person/parent to make a truly informed decision on what type of treatments they will receive.


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Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. Eph 4:29