

Friday, October 18, 2013

Five Minute Friday - Laundry

I occasionally join in on Five Minute Friday over at Lisa-Jo Baker. It's fun writing on the given topic for 5 minutes. It gives me something to change up the routine a bit.  If you would like to join in hop on over and check out the rules.

Five Minute Friday

Today's topic Laundry-

What do you think of when you hear/read the word laundry?  My mind immediately goes to piles of clothes needing to be washed, dried, maybe rewashed because I forgot to put them in the dryer, folded, put away.  I also think of the word cycle, it is a never ending cycle.  Forgiving? I think so. If I don't get a load finished I'll just start all over, it's really not that big of a deal.  It's a little thing and not worth stressing over. I actually don't mind laundry for that very reason, it is one chore that I really don't have to stress over.  I throw a load in and I'm off to work on something else. Come back throw the load in the dryer another in the washer and off again. Back again and the laundry from the dryer goes into the basket, what's in the washer goes in the dryer and another load is started in the washer. You see the clothes may not always get folded and put away, but we always have clean clothes.  Sometimes good enough just has to be good enough.  Striving for perfection is not always what is best for my family.  I would rather have kids that remember me for playing games, reading stories and cooking yummy meals and treats together, than for perfectly cleaned, ironed, folded and hung clothes. Really now that I've stopped and thought about it.  I think it's a waste of my time to do all that the clothes just end right back up in the laundry room anyway. Maybe I should convert my laundry room to a family closet. Hmmm. Now don't get me wrong, I haven't judged you if you manage to get your laundry perfectly done.  I'm just saying to each his own and there are things that just aren't worth judging others over, stressing about or even judging yourself as unfit,  not good enough, because you haven't reached someone else's idea of what a wife, mother, homemaker should be doing.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Vaccines - Did You Know?

I am continually reading and coming across new information.  There is so much more to our world and how it works than we know.  There are so many touchy subjects, our food and medical health being towards the top of that list.  This week I learned some new things about abortion and the innocent lives lost to it. Check out this link for U.S. Aborted Fetal Products. Food and spices? I'm really struggling with this one.  I guess it really shouldn't come as a surprise if we are using aborted babies in the development of vaccines why not food too!? I am not one to tell others what they should do.  I believe that God has given us a guideline through his Word and that we as individuals should base our decisions of what to do  on the principles found in God's Word and the knowledge we have of the situation in question. I am giving links so that you can inform yourselves and make your own decisions. This article, Vaccines, Abortion & Fetal Tissue, does a good job of explaining how aborted babies were/are used in the vaccine production process.  This next link shows which vaccines contain human protein & DNA. I would like to encourage you to research for yourself.  There is so much information out there, if you only look for it. Since I am a type 1 diabetic, I'll throw this next link out just for good measure. 

I hope that this was helpful.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Fireplace Makeover 2!

Back in 2011 I did a mini fireplace makeover. You can check it out here. It helped, but I still did not love this fireplace.  I hated the orange/rust color in the stones.  I'm still not quite sure why anyone would put orange/rust stones in the same house with pink tile. Yes, we still have the same pink tile from when the house was built.  I had toyed with the idea of painting or whitewashing the stone for a long time.  Several seem to be of the opinion that it will lower the house value for resale.  Well, I've lived here nearly 10 years and I don't care anymore. I want it to look pretty to me, not some potential, possibly, one day buyer. I figured it couldn't possibly look any worse than it already did. So I did it. I whitewashed the stone.

First I cleaned the stone.  I just used my normal cleaner and made sure to get as much dust and sand off as possible. 
Next I mixed my paint and water.  I just used some flat paint I had on hand.  I used a 1:3 ratio. 1 part paint to 3 parts water. 
Now for the work.  I brushed the paint on and waited just a bit before wiping it back off.  I did this until I got the coverage I was looking for.  Be careful of drips!

It's looking much better, but I still have plans to tweak it just a bit.  I plan on painting the insert again, but this time with white.  Hubby says he would like the stones to have a hint more ivory to them, so eventually I will do an ivorywash. ;) I'm also thinking of using a satin finish instead of the flat finish.  But, in the meantime I am liking this so much more than that ugly orange/rust color.  Did I mention I hated the orange/rust?

Now for the pics!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Five Minute Friday - Beuatiful

Five Minute Friday
What's 5 minute Friday? Everything you need to know.
 1. Write for 5 minutes flat with no editing, tweaking or self critiquing.
 2. Link back Lisa-Jo Baker and invite others to join in.
 3. Go and tell the person who linked up before you what their words meant to you.
Want to join in the fun? Then head on over by clicking the image or link above.  Have fun!

Today's prompt is Beautiful! Love it.


Beautiful. What is beautiful? Well, beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder.  It's beautiful when a child needs their parent. It's beautiful when teaching moments present themselves. It's beautiful when a marriage lasts and is strong. It's beautiful when children learn to problem solve and put others before themselves. It's beautiful when others look at you like your strange because they have no clue what it is like to be you. It's beautiful when the house is quiet or loud. ;) Everywhere I look it is beautiful. When I stop to think Why is it beautiful? I know it is because of my Saviour, God. "He makes all things beautiful, in his time". - Ecclesiastes 3:11. "In all things give thanks." - 1Thessalonians 5:18. I am not bragging on myself, but my God.  He is ever working and molding me into the person he wants me to be. And that is Beautiful!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Why I Love My Husband (the never ending list)

22. He does little things that shows his love for me.  For example: He got up early this morning to put gas in the van before he left for work, just so I wouldn't have to do it before heading to piano.  These things can sometimes say "I love you" louder than anything I know.

23. He helps me with the grocery shopping.

24. He's almost as at bargain shopping as I am. ;)

25. He doesn't mind shopping for fabric and craft supplies with me.

26. He let's me bounce my ideas off him and helps me make the ever so difficult decision of which fabric to buy.

27. He is my best friend.

28. He doesn't mind when I mess up dinner, it's just another opportunity to have pizza.

29. He completes me.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

A Yummy Treat For My Yummy Man!

My Man and I make a great team! One of the areas that we work well together is the kitchen.  Even though The Man rarely does any cooking or baking, he helps. By help I really mean he is the one who brainstorms the ideas and I do the work to make it happen.  I love it when I can make his ideas come true. This treat is one of the results of our great teamwork. ;)

Berry Burst Cookies 'N' Cream Bark

1/2 a package of almond bark
about 1/2 a package of Berry Burst Ice Cream Oreos

 The steps:
Chop and melt almond bark
 (this can be done in the microwave or on the stove top in a double boiler)
Let almond bark cool for a minute or two
Chop Oreos to desired size
Mix melted bark and cookie pieces
Spread on a lined (wax paper, foil, etc.) cookie sheet
Cool in refrigerator for 15-30 minutes
Break into pieces

Friday, April 12, 2013

Five Minute Friday - Here

Five Minute Friday

It may be late, but I'm joining in on Five Minute Friday.  It's fun and easy. There are only a few rules.
1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community..

For all the details and to join in head on over to  Lisa- Jo Baker.

Today's prompt - Here

When I think of here, I think of present. Then I wonder am I here? Am I present? Life gets so crazy with chores, to-do lists, running here and there, lesson plans and lessons that sometimes I feel the pile closing in on me. I'm buried under a never ending pile of must do's.  At the very same time, my kids are asking questions, learning, investigating, changing, growing. I think they are growing way too fast.  Then my mind begins to wonder, am I here for them how they need me to be?  Does it really matter when the clothes get washed or if they even get put away? As long as they have clean clothes that's all that matters, right? Does it really matter if there are scuffs on the wall and something sticky on the floor? What will they remember a mother who was too busy doing constantly, a mother they can't see for all her business with chores and such? No! I don't want that. I want them to remember a mother who loved them. A mother who kissed every boo boo, read stories just because, rocked in the rocking chair, sang songs and played games.  I want them to remember a mother who was a part, who was present, who was there (here) with them in their moment of youth.  I want to be here for my kids in the now.  The moment that they need me the most.  I want to be by their side.  And when life gets crazy and the pile gets deep, my prayer is that I will remember to just simply be here with my little ones.  All too soon there will come a day when I will have more hours than I need and clean and tidy house.  I'm sure in that day I will long to buried under the pile of to do's and to be with my kiddos again.  So here's to enjoying the Here!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Why I Love My Husband (the never ending list) video clip

There are many reasons why I love my husband.  Number 21 on my list is a video clip.  The Man made the video with the help of his cousin on a work related trip that separated us for the first time after being married.


Thursday, March 21, 2013

There's More Than Meets the Eye

If you look from the outside you may see a tired man working hard, going to school with not much extra time to spare. But, if you live on the inside you will see so much more.  You will see a husband who loves his wife immensely. You will see a father whose utmost concern is his children. You will see sacrifice of sleep, sometimes sweets ;) all to show his family love.  You will see a man who is thoughtful and analytical of every word and action that his children do.  You will see a man who is ever thinking of the future for his children, not only in their physical needs, but most importantly their spiritual needs.  You will see him sewing seeds of wisdom and love.  You will see him carefully tending the garden of his children's hearts, pulling the weeds and giving food and water to their souls. You will see a husband who only has eyes for one woman, his wife.  If you look into those eyes you will see that his love and care goes so deep that there are no words to describe it, so he makes up his own "EST".  If you live on the inside you will see that this husband is ever playful and sweet with his wife.  He is thoughtful and caring. He is encouraging and helpful.  He doesn't expect too much, but he isn't surprised by just how much she can do. Why? Because he believes in her. He believes in her even when she doesn't believe in herself.  He is her best friend and she is his.  Life isn't always easy, fun and games, but this family has heaven on earth. This family loves, believes, cares, enjoys life. Why? Because this family has Christ and has centered their life around him. This family has chosen to follow Christ and his example. This family cannot thank God enough for giving them a guideline to live by, because of this guideline they truly do have a heaven on earth.

And now

Why I Love My Husband (the never ending list)

11. He is purposeful in what he says and does.

12. He has changed me.

13. He teaches me so much.

14. He loves me when I'm not lovable.

15. He makes me smile when no one else can.

16. He whispers sweet somethings in my ear.

17. I know that look in his eyes.

18. He lovingly and willing will take care of the baby during the night just so I can get some sleep.  And no I don't have to ask.

19. He gives me time and space to grow.

20. He prays.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Baby Gift

My sister is about to have her second baby any day now. Life can be rotten sometimes.  I was supposed to be there for the birth of her first, but life got in the way and it was impossible.  I was supposed to be there for this one's birth too, but once again life gets in the way and it is impossible.  Sometimes life frustrates me to no end.  I love my sister so much and would love to be there to support her and help during these last and first days. My sister and I are 7 years apart, but we are best friends.  This is a great encouragement to me, not only in my personal life because everyone needs a good friend, but also because my girls are 7 years apart and I know what they have to look forward to. I can count on one hand my true friends and I am thankful that one of those is my sister.

I would give my sister the world if I could, but alas time and money got in the way of that too. LOL! So I went with the next best thing.  My recent go to baby gift has been a car seat canopy.  I made one for my last daughter and love, love, love it.  My daughter is 1 yr and 1 month and we still use the canopy on occasion. Yes, she is still in her infant seat.  I came up with this pattern myself.  I based it on several that I had seen on-line.  I liked different things about each one, but there was not one that combined them all so I made one. I really love how this one turned out.  I fell in love with the adorable fabric and colors as soon as I saw them.  I know my sister will love them too.  It should arrive in the mail today, fingers crossed.  I can't wait for her to receive them.  I also made her a diaper bag, matching wipe case and changing pad.  When I was pregnant with my last one a dear sweet friend made me a diaper bag and I love it.  My sister wanted a special bag.  I have never made bags and was very nervous about making this one. I am super duper excited how it turned out.  My hubby helped me pick out the fabric at Hobby Lobby.  I guess you could say it just spoke to us calling out my sister's name. ;) I found the tutorial for this bag on none other than Pinterest. The Angela's Diaper Bag is actually quite large.  I didn't really think through the measurements before making it so I ended up getting it put together only to take it apart and make it a bit smaller. I took 2" off the length and 1" off the width. Apparently I'm a bit of a rebel and don't like following instructions (honestly I rarely follow a recipe, pattern or tutorial without making some changes) so, yes I did make some modifications other than the size.  I added a cell phone pocket inside one of the elastic pockets, I added a magnetic flap instead of the ribbon ties, I lengthened the straps to make should straps, instead of the divider I made a zippered pouch divider and last of all I added a cute ruffle down the front of the bag.  I couldn't have made this bag without the much needed and appreciated technical and emotional support from one of my dearest friends and awesome bag maker Kelly. Yes, she is the dear sweet friend that made me my diaper bag. ;) You can find her at her blog A Plain Path.

Now we get to the good part, Pictures!! At least for me that is the main reason I end up reading blogs in the first place.  Lol!

One more extra little gift I made for the new baby.  Really it's hard to stop myself.  There are so many things I wish I could have made also. ;)

And just for the fun of it here's a look back at my very first car seat canopy.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

A Tutu Fit for a Princess

A Tutu Fit for a Princess - a rolled ribbon tutu.

As promised, a tutu tutorial. ;) I had seen these adorable tutus on pinterest.  I loved them and knew I could make one myself.  I searched and didn't find any tutorials online so I thought I would give it a go.  Now keep in mind tutorials are not my thing.

1. Measure how long I wanted the tutu to come ( 8 inches, for my daughter).  Double that measurement (16 inches), because you will be folding it in half. The next thing I did was to get my ribbon and roll it how I wanted it to look finished. Mark and measure the ribbon 13-14 inches). I measured each ribbon according to the tulle piece to account for slipping. Sew ribbon onto the tulle ends. I used 30 tulle sections give or take a couple.  4 5/8 yards of tulle was more than enough. I used about 20 yards of ribbon.  The amount of tulle and ribbon you need will vary based on the size of tutu you are making and how tight and much you have the ribbon overlap.

2. Measure the child's waist for the elastic.  I like to cut my elastic at the exact measurement, overlap by about an inch and stitch.

3. Roll tulle.

4. Fold roll in half.

5. Make a loop at the top.  Fold the tulle around the elastic and slip the ribbon ends through the loop to attach.

6. Pull and tighten tulle on elastic.  Make sure that it is how you want it to lay. Repeat until you have a tutu that is as full as you want.

Make sure that you have your slip knots all on the same side. Not backwards from each other. This affects how the tutu lays.

7. After attaching all the tulle sections use 1 inch ribbon to wrap around the waist. I forgot to measure the amount of ribbon used. Sorry. This step is optional, but using satin ribbon makes the waste softer on the skin.
After finishing my tutu I added a little bling with some glue and jewel dots.

I love it!  I hope this is helpful to someone. ;)

Happy Wives Club

I joined the Happy Wives Club.  How cool is that?  I never even knew we had a club.  I love it though.  I found it through the Happy Wives Club blog and love what they are doing ( although I agree with most of what they are saying, don't think I agree with everything 100%).  The Why I Love My Husband  post  grabbed my attention and made me want to join and be a part of this group.  Not like I really need an excuse to brag on my hubby, The Man. ;)

Why I Love My Husband

This has inspired me to start my own list. My list will not be in any specific order.

Why I Love My Husband (the never ending list)

1. He has Christ as his Saviour. (I had to make this #1 because this is central to the rest of my list. Without this one thing I know he would not be who he is.)

2. He follows God's Word as to our marriage and family.

3. He thinks outside the box. Just because everyone else thinks so or says so doesn't mean it is so. 

4. He applies things across the board.

5. He is faithful.

6. He purposely does not look at other women

7. He is teaching our son to purposely not look at women.

8. His main concern is the salvation of his family.

9. He would rather be home than work overtime.

10. I can trust him.

It is so easy to go on and on, but this will have to do for now. Will you join and start your own list?

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Once Upon a Time...

Once upon a time in a not so far away land lived a young lady. One day a friend of her family set out on a mission. Her mission; to find this lady a husband.  Now the young lady wasn't too keen on this idea. It wasn't that she didn't want to get married, but she had more of the knight in shinning armor find the princess point of view and she sure as well did not want to be known as a "man chaser".  This friend threw out names one after the other, some the girl knew and others she had only heard the name, but did not know who it belonged to.

Days came and went and it was meeting time again.  You see this young lady and her family met regularly with others of like faith.  If only the lady had known what was in store for this next meeting.  Oh the questions this friend posed to a certain gentleman.  Oh, the embarrassment this young lady felt, for there was but one person in the entire group who had the concerns her friend was questioning the gentleman about.  This friend was determined.  She set about getting this young lady and gentleman together, getting them to meet, to see if maybe just maybe something might spark. 

The gentleman, being a wise young man, talked to this friend's husband about her friendly inquiries.  He told the man he didn't mind coming, but he wasn't too keen on the idea of being set up.  The young lady didn't care for the idea at all, but her mother said she should go, it would be fun and she needed to get out some. The lady went, but she was not going to be throwing herself at this guy.  She was in the back room with the children when the gentleman arrived.  She wasn't really sure what to say or how to say it.  The only thing she was sure of is that she did not want him thinking this was her idea.

The plot thickens. The gentleman was supposed to be making his special wings for dinner.  The young lady was asked to come help. She comes to the kitchen and imagine her surprise when she is asked "Do you know how to cook wings?" Apparently the gentleman had not made the wings before and this recipe was from a friend. Yes, the lady cooked the wings. ;) 

The dinner conversation was full of inquiring questions, not from the gentleman or the young lady, but from the friend.  All the friends questions led to more conversation and joking. In the course of the conversation came a statement saying something to the effect of 'only a jerk would do that'. The gentleman then inquires "Are you calling me a jerk?" To which the young girl replies "If the shoe fits."  Although the young lady didn't know it then, this was the start of something special. 

The gentleman and the lady became friends and as friendships sometimes do it turned into something more rather quickly.  It wasn't long, less than two months, before they knew they wanted to spend the rest of their lives together. Knowing what she wanted the young lady was ready to set the date.  The gentleman being more cautious and not wanting a "3 date" nickname wanted to wait a short while before getting married.  This waiting earned him the nickname "molasses" from his sweetheart. Once given the dates to choose from the young lady naturally chose the earliest date, making it 8 months from the time they met until the time they were married. 

So thanks to a family friend, whom they now lovely call Cupid, two people now share a life and a family and yes will live Happily Ever After.

Today marks 9 years of Happily Ever After!

There is but one regret. If given the chance they'd get married a whole lot sooner. ;) 

Friday, January 25, 2013

Time Where Did You Go?

My first baby is nearly 8, my little man nearly 7 and my last baby almost a year.  Time where have you gone? Why are you in such a hurry?  My babies are growing way too fast. I feel like I miss weeks with just one blink.  Time can you slow down? It seems like yesterday I was planning a wedding and getting married. I was young and now... I went from being a young girl barely 20 to being married with 3 kids in what seemed like overnight. I know its been years, because my calendar and my body tell me so. Time your such a tease. When I was young the days couldn't come fast enough and now I don't know where they have gone.  What a cruel joke to play. One thing you have taught me is to cherish the moments for they will be but memories before I know it.  So I cherish each day with my loving husband and sweet kids.

James 4:14
"whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away." 

Five Minute Friday - Again

Five Minute Friday

Want to join in? Get all the details here .
The rules:
1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community..

Go: Again

It's late. Another sleepless night. Someone needs me. They need my hugs and my cuddles. They need me to care for them.  I'm tired, not just tired, but exhausted.  I wonder when with this cycle will end.  When will I sleep again?  My days go by in a fussy fog.  I'm tired, I didn't get much rest.  Coffee has become one of my best friends. Sometimes I get frustrated for the lack of sleep and the daily responsibilities I have, but... But then I remember there is someone who loves me. He didn't just endure lack of sleep. He endured rejection, beatings and death.  All of this the pain of my sin. Somehow I'm given new resolve to stay strong, to continue to love, to be patient (or at least try to). I know in an instant that if my reasons for lack of sleep were gone I would cry "I want them back! I want them all! I will do it again!" So in my weakest, sleepless moments I draw strength from my Saviour's love and the love he has given me for my little ones. The love that lets me know I would do it all again.