

Friday, December 16, 2011

Five Minute Friday - Connected

Happy Friday.  I am taking part in another Five Minute Friday.  Head on over to The Gypsy Mama to find out what it's all about.


Are you connected with others?  I think most of us are connected, but a good bit of that connecting is with electronics and not people.  Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the benefit of computers, cell phones and more, I just don't want to lose sight of what is truly important.  Am I connected with people?  You never know when a word fitly spoken will be just the encouragement a person needs.  Am I connected with my children or am I browsing blogs and facebook while they play without any interaction from me.  I do believe it is good for kids to play on their own, sometimes.  I also know it is good for kids to play with their parents, tying those strings of relationship that are so important and so lacking in many families today.  Am I connected with my kids or am I simply shouting orders and giving lessons?  There is a lot of truth to the saying "actions speak louder than words".  What are my actions telling my children?  Am I teaching them the most important things in life by my actions?  How do you teach a child about true joy?  They will put their joy in what you put your joy in.  I have been thinking about little topics like this lately and purposing to be more connected with my kids and making sure I am living the life I want them to live.  "Life is but a vapor" and soon my days with my children will be over.  Will I have spent them wisely, as God would have had me do or will I have wasted them?  I hope in the end I will hear a "Well done".

A Special Sewing Basket

I have a special basket, my Nana gave to me.  It was her grandmother's sewing basket.  What makes this basket so special besides the fact that it is piece of history from my own family?  Let me show you some pics.

My great, great grandmother's bonnet.

 Sunbonnet Sue Quilt patch

With a friends suggestions I decided to reline the basket with new material.  The old lining was literally falling apart everywhere.  Here are some after pics of what the lining looks like now.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Flu Shot is being Preached form the Pulpits???

I receive the Mercola emails.  Now just to make sure we are all clear, I am not some excessive, crazy health nut person.  I believe moderation is a good line to follow.  We eat pizza, hamburgers and cookies, etc. on occasion.  My curiosity was peaked when I saw the headline for the article If You Go to Church, Heed This Warning.  
Even my OBGYN is advising pregnant women NOT to get the flu vaccine.  
I just wanted to share for those who might be interested in reading the article.

Friday, November 4, 2011

A Busy Week Ahead

Not that life is ever not busy, but this week is going to be crazy.  We leave in the morning headed south to West Palm and Miami Children's Hospital.  My 12 yr old nephew was diagnosed with Melanoma.  He will be having surgery on Monday.  We will be there for support during the surgery and to help out afterwards for about a week.  We will be logging in quite a few hours on the road this next week.  We are praying for a safe surgery, recover and time on the road.  I better be off to finish the packing. 

Five Minute Friday - Remember

Another Friday is here.  I haven't participated in Five Minute Friday for a while, but am excited to give it a go today.  Five minutes of writing no editing. For all the details and to join in, hop on over to The Gypsy Mama blog.

Today's topic: Remember

I remember the first little flutters of movement I felt, how precious and special they were.  The first time daddy could feel the kick. I remember the smell of  a newborn baby.  The sweet sight of something so fragile and new.  The awe and amazement I felt and still feel at the creation of such a tiny life.  The first cries from a new innocent life.  The first tingling sensations of milk.  The first time I nursed. I am blessed to have these memories. They are special and not to be taken for granted. I remember all this and am looking forward to experiencing it all once again.  There was a first time and there will be a last time, and each time is as special as the first.  Remember to cherish the moment.  Don't rush it or wish it away in the middle of a sleepless night.  There will come a day when it is gone and you will not get it back. Remember, cherish the moment!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Caramel Apples = Yummy Fun!

Who doesn't like caramel apples?  I came across this yummy recipe last year in a Rachael Ray magazine.
Making homemade caramel apples has been on my to-do list for a while now.  When I saw this recipe I knew this was the one I wanted to try.  Well a year later and I finally got a round to it.  These taste delicious!  The kids love them, the hubby loves them, I sneaked a quick taste and I love them.  The honey-vanilla caramel flavor is wonderful.  The only down side to this recipe is that it takes a while to cook the caramel.

Now that i have your mouth watering for these yummy apples, here's the recipe.

Honey-Vanilla Caramel Apples:
Recipe states that it makes 6 apples, this all depends on the size of your apples and how much caramel you put on each apple.  I made 6, but have enough caramel left over to make about 6 more.

6 medium red apples chilled (braeburn, cortland or fuji)
Ice water
1 1/2 cups heavy cream
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cups honey
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

1. Line a baking sheet with parchment. Skewer each apple stem with a lollipop stick or thick bamboo skewer. Fill a large bowl one-quarter of the way with ice water.
2. In a 4-quart, heavy saucepan, heat the cream and salt over medium-high heat until steaming hot. Stir in the honey and bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. Lower the ehat to medium and continue to boil, stirring constantly, until the mixture registers 260 degrees on a candy thermometer, 30 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat and add the vanilla. Place the pan in the ice water, stirring the craeml with a wooden spoon until it"s thick enough to coat the apples without running off, about 5 minutes. (If the cramel thickens too much, return the pan to the medium heat and stir.)
3. Wipe the chilled apples dry. Working with 1 at a time, hold the apple by the stick and dip into the caramel, tilting the saucepan and twirling the apple to coat all but a 1-inch border around the stem. Place the caramel apples on the prepared baking sheet (if you want to add toppings now is the time to do it) and refrigerate for 20 minutes before serving.


Friday, October 7, 2011

My Baby/Everything Bag!

It has been a while since I have made a real post.  I have good reason though, I have been pregnant icky and then crazy busy and you know my family always comes first over blogging.  What better way to give an update than on my very first new baby gift.

This is my special friend/sister Kelly.  She blogs at A Plain Path.  She is wonderful at sewing bags and other crafty type items.  She came down for a visit and made me this wonderful diaper/everything bag.  I got to help. She let me do the easy stuff like pressing and seam ripping. ;-) Honestly I am not that great at bag sewing, but I hope to improve on this before too long.  Watching her process was really helpful.  We went shopping for the pattern and bag fabric together, so this was together fun from beginning to end.  She used the Amy Butler Reversible Sunday Sling bag pattern in size small.  I love the yummy Bliss fabric we found. 

Isn't this bag simply adorable!?

Side pocket

Inside pockets and key fob

Cellphone pocket

So now I have an extra special, one of kind bag to carry all my baby necessities when baby gets here. I may not wait 'till baby gets here to use it though. ;-)  I love the bright and cheery fabric.  Just looking at this bag makes me smile.  Thanks, Kelly, for being a special friend, for the fun visits and making me my first baby gift.  Love and Hugs!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

High Risk Blessings!

Yesterday we visited the high risk doctor.  For those who may not know I have type one diabetes and have had it for over 20 years.  I am the highest, high risk there is when it comes to diabetic high risk pregnancies.  I have people who care for me, love me and my little one to be enough to pray for us and God's help during this special time.  I couldn't be more grateful for these people in my life.  God is good and God is powerful.  The results of our appointment show that everything is right on schedule, baby is growing well and there are no noticeable signs of birth defects.  The praise and glory goes to God.  I know that there is no way I could do this without him.  Managing diabetes is hard, but add on the complexity of pregnancy and it just made hard/impossible even more so.  I thank God for keeping my little one safe and protecting it against my own bodies faults.  Lord willing sometime in late February, early March our little blessing will be born.

We were able to take Princess and Roochie with us for this appointment.  They got to see the ultra sound and the miracle of a tiny little person growing in mommy's tummy.  We had lots of good conversation during the ultra sound.  One of my favorite moments was when the technician told the kids the baby was waving at them, Roochie stood up on his chair and waved at the monitor.  The kids are so excited for their new baby to arrive.  I love seeing and hearing their excitement.  I am very glad we were able to spend this special time together as a family.

Abortion... A Horrible Reality

Have you ever stopped to soak in the reality of abortion and what it means?  When I was in high school I did a report on abortion.  The research I did has forever engrained images on my memory that I wish I could erase.  I do not understand how anyone who truly understands how abortion works could support it.  Did you know that the baby in the womb will move up higher and higher trying to get away from the suction? Did you know the suction literally rips their tiny bodies apart?  Did you know that the solution used burns their tiny bodies while they are still alive?  The innocent killed in such horrible wicked ways, while murderers are offered a nice little injection and a last meal.  Something isn't right.

The video at this link 180 movie shows how some have changed their position on the murdering of our babies/abortion. What is it that changed their minds?  Watch to find out.

Beware that the images at these links are graphic.

For more information check out the images and information at this link or this link.  There is much more information available.  Find the truth.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Cancer Hoax. What would you do?

I don't have cancer, yet.  I hope neither I nor anyone in my family or close friends ever get this terrible disease, but I know that more than likely some will.  My grandfather died from lung cancer.  He had conventional cancer treatments and he had a long, slow, painful death as his family watched on helplessly.  I haven't researched cancer in depth, because I haven't had to yet and there are so many different types it would be near impossible to guess which type I would need to know about, but I do know that if/when the time comes I will find an alternative to conventional cancer treatments. For some insights on the war on cancer and its flaws check out the video at this link.  The video is long, but well worth the watch in my opinion.  Beware what you will hear, may be upsetting.  The link is available at the Mercola website.

Did you know that conventional treatments can leave the person with brain damage, blind, hearing loss and even in a vegetable state only to name a few?  Did you know you may not have the right to choose the treatment you or your child will receive?  Did you know if you don't follow conventional treatments, your child's doctor may turn you in for medical neglect? 

I believe it is the right of every person/parent to make a truly informed decision on what type of treatments they will receive.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Five Minute Friday - Growing

It is time for another Five Minute Friday.  Hop on over to the Gypsy Mama for all the details and to join in.

This weeks prompt- Growing.


Growing, every growing never stopping.  Do you ever wish you could pause time?  Does it seem like it just flies by and you don't have enough time to soak in each stage of life?  It does for me.  It seems like yesterday I was getting married.  It seems like yesterday we brought home our first baby.  It seems like yesterday we brought home our second baby.  It seems like yesterday we found out we were expecting our third baby.  And today where are we today.  We have been married 7 1/2 years, our first is 6, our second is 5 and we are already into the second trimester with our third.  Where did the time go?  When did my babies grow up?  And I still can't believe I will have another baby, Lord willing sometime in Feb or March.  We are all growing, we cannot stop it or control it.  Only God the giver and taker of life can control our growing.  And yet while we are growing we are dying.  Are we prepared?  Do we even know what this means?  Are we sharing and helping other to be prepared for this reality?  Are we growing closer to God or are we dead spiritually?  These are some questions to think about.  It is good to examine our hearts and see where we are compared to where God would have us to be.  I hope I will continue to grow spiritually until the day that I die.  My hope and prayer is that I will be able to guide, teach and train my children as they will grow up in the Lord and so they can continue to grow closer to God throughout their lives.

Times up.  I am sure my thoughts could have kept on coming with this one.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Five Minute Friday - Joy!

It's time for another Five Minute Friday.  I haven't done one in a few weeks so was excited to do this weeks.  For all the details and to join hop on over to The Gypsy Mama.
Today's prompt- Joy.


I love joy.  Joy is more than happiness and sometimes there is joy without happiness.  That seems hard to believe, but I know it to be true.  Only Christ can give us true joy. 

Things that bring joy into my life:
Being a wife to The Man
Being Mom to my kids
The expectation of another sweet little bundle that will grown into a wonderfully unique person all their own
A new day, a fresh start
A completed job
A place to call home
Being with family
Special friends that add to my life in so many ways
Seeing God work in the lives of our children
Salvation-knowing no matter how rough things get here, in the end it will be worth it all.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Parental Rights...Do You Have Them?

Do you have parental rights? If so what are they? Do you know?  There is a group of people that would love to answer that question for you, but whether or not you like the answer is another story all together.  Check out the information available at  What do you think?

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Taking it One Day at a Time

Lately I have truly been living in the moment.  It is hard to think futuristically  when you don't have energy for the present.  Some days are good and others well not so good.  My brain is always tired.  I don't feel or want to have to make any decisions that have any weight to them at all.  I don't even want to go to the grocery store.  It is pretty bad when you avoid 1st grade math because you just don't want to use your brain.  I never had to use it before when it came to first grade math.  I guess it is true what they say you lose 1/2 your brain cells with each pregnancy and seeing as this is my third I am now in the deficit. 

I can't wait to get over this hump of the pregnancy.  At least I am hoping it won't be like this the entire time.  I can't wait to sit down to eat something and actually be able to finish.  I am not a wasteful person and I am a big budget, meal planner, so this is killing me.  We have really been bumming it in the meal category lately and I can't wait to get back to normal.  I was telling The Man last night if evolution was true we would have evolved this pregnancy thing a long time ago.

I have been thinking on how "His grace is sufficient for me" and it is true.  I am blessed with The Man, Princess and Roochie who all help out and look out for mommy.  My favorite time of day is prayer time, we pray several times throughout the day.  Each time we pray the kids always pray for "mommy and her baby to be healthy".  Each time I hear this it is like a hug, big warm arms wrapped around me, reminding me that everything is going to be okay.  This is His grace to me, only one of the many ways He shows it to me. So for now we will be taking it one day at a time and enjoying each day to the fullest.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Five Minute Friday - New!

Here we are again, it's Friday and time for another Five Minute Friday. To join in on the fun and for all the details click the link.  Today's topic New.


What do you think about when you hear the word new? New shoes. New clothes. New experiences.
What is new? Something that is purchased with the tags still on. Something that has never been done before.  Something that is new to you.  An old piece of furniture, beautiful with age and we say look at my new_____. 
A few things that I think of when I hear the word new are.  A baby that will be here hopefully before I know it.  The sweet smells that only a newborn has.  Another person to experience life all anew.  A new big sister, a new big brother.  A new definition of our family, it will be larger with one more tiny person.  A new way of life that we will have to adjust to. And then I think "there is nothing new under the sun."  God knows, he has seen everything past through the future and he will be with me through it all.  What a comfort to know that there is nothing new to the Comforter.  He will never be caught off guard by surprise.  He knows.


Monday, August 15, 2011

Homemade Buttermilk Biscuits and Gravy

Today I made The Man one of his favorite meals, homemade buttermilk biscuits and gravy.  He has been such a big help and blessing to me these past weeks.  I had some extra energy today and wanted to say "thank you" in one of my favorite ways, cooking and baking for my family.  Now biscuits are not my forte. I have tried so many times and more often than not ended up with hard flat discs.  Not this time.  I have found my new go-to biscuit recipe.  They came out just perfect.  I followed a suggestion on one of her other posts about baking the biscuits in an iron skillet.  Loved it!  I found my recipe at Mommy's Kitchen.
I don't follow a recipe for my gravy.  I just kind of eyeball it.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Five Minute Friday - Beauty!

Wow! It's time for another Five Minute Friday. Click the link for all the details. Today's topic beauty.


There are many forms of beauty, but none that I know of can be seen without first dealing with the mess and work.  Even a women/girl of natural beauty has to brush her hair.  In order for a house to be neat and tidy, you have to pick up the mess. For a garden to be beautiful you must clean up the garbage and trim the bushes so they don't overrun everything.  This same truth is true in our lives, the only difference is that we cannot clean up the mess ourselves. We must have the help of the Master.  He tweaks and pulls to help us to become beautiful jewels in His hands.  Its the hard times in life that bring out the beauty.  I would rather have the hard times and have to rely on Christ than to have it easy and not need him in my life. I am so thankful for the beauty He shows.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Because He Lives

One of my favorite Hymns.  To read the words of this hymn brings tears of gratefulness to my eyes.  The story it tells is so true and comforting.  This hymn gives hope and comfort for the future of my children, Because He Lives!

Verse 1:
God sent His Son, They called Him, Jesus;
He came to love, heal and forgive;
He lived and died to buy my pardon,
An empty grave is there to prove my Savior lives!

Verse 2: The third and forth lines mean so much to me as a mother!
How sweet to hold a newborn baby,
And feel the pride and joy he gives;
But greater still the calm assurance:
This child can face uncertain days because He lives!

Verse 3:
And then one day I'll cross the river,
I'll fight life's final war with pain;
And then, as death gives way to vict'ry,
I'll see the lights of glory and I'll know He lives!

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow,
Because He lives, all fear is gone;
Because I know he holds the future,
And life is worth the living,
Just because He lives!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Five Minute Friday - Still

It's time for another Five Minute Friday.  Click the link for all the details.

Today's topic is Still.

I am still exhausted,
still nauseous,
still starving,
and still thankful to be pregnant.  Although I still think I am getting to old for this.
I leave you with this song on Still.

Happy Friday

Monday, July 25, 2011

Such a Tiny Thing with a Big Impact

This week my wee little one is barely the size of a grain of rice.  That is tiny! So why is it that something so small can reek havoc on my body and life?  Does it really have to be this bad?  This tiny little being has turned all my favorite foods into either no go's or vomit inducers. I am weak and tired and I feel like I am neglecting the rest of my family.  I am not one to spend 1/2 the day in bed even when I am sick, but that is exactly what I have been doing the past few days and the one day I didn't I sure wished I did.

Now my family is an awesome support and they are all great.  I just wish I could be back to my normal mama self.  I have so many things on my to-do list, no energy and honestly I kind of feel like a party-pooper.

Realizing how tiny this little miracle is and the huge impact it is having makes me wonder.  What kind of impact do I have?  Maybe my impact is a lot bigger than I would think it is.  Maybe my motives and actions are more important than I think.  Maybe I am just a small simple tool, but when placed in the Master's hand maybe I can be used to make a huge impact. And if this is true of me it is true of all of us.

A Homemaking Homeschooling Helpmeet: What Your Doctor Won't Tell You About the Pill

I have known this information for a while. It is a very sensitive subject for people to talk about. I appreciate the following post and especially that it is full of information and where the information was found (a very important bit I think). Please read or pass along for others who might appreciate.

A Homemaking Homeschooling Helpmeet: What Your Doctor Won't Tell You About the Pill

Monday, July 11, 2011


Some things are not meant to be kept a secret.  I can keep a secret if I have to, but if I don't forget it.  I love sharing good and exciting news.  It just doesn't seem right to keep it all to myself.  I have read stories about creative ways people share their secrets, but I just don't have the patience to be that creative when it comes to such exciting news.

Yesterday morning was when the news came.  I woke up early chilled from the fan over head.  I can't seem to find a comfortable temperature these days.  I fall asleep hot with the fan on medium and wake up freezing and the setting hasn't changed. I think about going back to sleep, but I can't.  I head to the bathroom, open the box, read the slip of paper just to make sure I know what I am doing and pee on the stick.  The paper says it will take a few minutes for the results.  I am watching as the strip fills. Wait am I seeing what I think I am seeing?  I rub my eyes and look again. Okay it hasn't even been a minute.  It can't be.  I double check the paper to make sure and yes, I am seeing what I think I am seeing.  I am pregnant.  What is my first thought.  I don't remember. I think I went into shock.  You know it has been 5 1/2 years since I have been pregnant.  Do I plan an elaborate way to tell The Man?  No I peak out of the bathroom and slightly nod my head yes.  The Man is excited. He immediately tells Princess (who is in our bed for an early morning cuddle) that we are going to have a baby.  Before I know it he is by my side giving hugs and kisses and I am still not sure that it has sunk in.

I am excited and nervous all at the same time.  The adventure begins, diabetes and pregnancy are not the best of friends.  I think I am going through withdrawal. I miss my carbs. and coffee, but it will be worth it all when I see the precious little face of my new little one.

You know I still can't believe it.  My youngest is 5 and will be nearly 6 when baby comes.  I never thought this would happen.  I assumed we were done, but I am glad and excited for this change and a new blessing in our lives.  Now to get busy with that to-do list.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Five Minute Friday - Grateful

Five Minute Friday! Visit the link to find out more about it.

Are you ready? Go.

Grateful for God who saved a horrible sinner like me.
Grateful for a husband who encourages me to be and do my best while loving me all the time
Grateful for a father who cares for his children's needs not just physical, but spiritual as well.
Grateful for a home that is sweet and family that loves to be together no matter what the circumstances.
Grateful for all my needs that are supplied.
Grateful for lessons learned even when they are hard to learn.

I could keep going and going, but right now I am grateful for the distraction to my post, my family wants me.  Have a great weekend.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

'The Waiting Place' by Eileen Button - a book review

I recently finished reading The Waiting Place by Eileen Button.  I was expecting an encouraging read on the waiting places in our lives.  This was the hardest book for me to read. If I hadn't signed up to do the book review I would have quit reading this book.  I found it mostly depressing and irritating.  Yes, irritating.  I would finish reading a chapter only to be irritate at Eileen and her self-centeredness. She turned her entire life into a waiting place.  Even though I did not care for reading this book and would not recommend it for reading I did learn some things.  I found that most of her waiting places were hard for her because she was not content and she was more concerned with what she wanted to do than what God wanted her to do.  The book is promoted as a Christian book which is why I expected it to be encouraging and pointing to Chrit, it is not and does not.  Eileen is a pastor's wife, but her heart is not in it.  I came away with the understanding that she does not like her life and would rather be just about anything other than a pastor's wife.  Her thoughts and behavior as a wife and a mother are heart breaking to me.

I know that several have written good reviews on this book.  These are my honest opinions and how the reading of this book made me feel.

I review for BookSneeze®

Disclaimer- The publisher has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book through BookSneeze.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Five Minute Friday - Welcome

Its time for another Five Minute Friday. For details click on the link.

I want to be a good welcomer.  Am I a good welcomer?  I don't know.  It seems that at times I am just not prepared to welcome anyone.  I feel guilty and I determine to do better.  I feel life tricks me into this crazy thing of every day tasks until I don't have time to be very welcoming.  I am coming and going and checking off lists, but what about that person that could use a kind word and maybe a welcoming ear. I am so busy I don't see them.  Christ is and was the perfect welcomer.  He never turned a single soul away.  He was kind and friendly especially to the ugly.  How many times do I avoid the ugly for fear of dirt on my oh so seemingly clean life? But wait if I were to stop and think He did the same for me why wouldn't I do the same for others.  The cleanness in my life is not mine, but his. It is his work that I am seeing.  He welcomed me, a dirty sinner, into his clean perfect love.  I want to be like him. I want to welcome those that need a light to find the path to Christ. I want others for feel the welcome I feel when I read his Word and kneel to pray.  I am not talking into the air, he hears, he is a friend that welcomes my every care.

I am reminded of Luke 6:35 "But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping nothing again; and your reward shall be great and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil."

Monday, June 27, 2011

A Baby Shower Gift and Scraps

I have been busy, but who hasn't?  I want to share my latest project with you, a baby shower gift.  I am going to a baby shower tonight.  I haven't been to one in ages and I do love them. I wanted to do something different, not the typical grab gift and stuff in a bag plus I have been itching to be creative lately.  I had so much fun coming up with and putting together this gift.  Are you ready?  Here it is.

Introducing the Diaper Trike!

I have the best little helpers!

And here is what I did with some scraps I had leftover from a long time ago project.  I haven't decided what I am going to do with it yet.  I am debating on a border and of course I still have to figure out my backing. 

Well, what do you think?

Friday, June 24, 2011

Wonder of Wonders

Time for another Five Minute Friday.  To join along and for all the details hop on over to thegypsymama.

When I hear the word Wonder. My mind automatically thinks of Creation and the wonder of our Creator.  Have you ever stopped just to think and meditate on how wonderful our world is?  To think that God created it all.  He put everything into motion.  He thought of every tiny detail and how it would interlock with every other tiny detail in our universe.  It is simply amazing and beyond all comprehension.  Think of how nature works together plants, animals, people.  We couldn't really exist without each other.  God designed bugs and animals that help keep our world clean.  Trees and plants that help give us fresh air to breath and man to help take care of the world God gave us.  What a wonderful world God has left us.  Take time to take in the Wonder of Wonders, God he who is responsible for all that is.  Now isn't that a wonder?

Friday, June 17, 2011

Home is Where...

Its Friday again and time for another Five Minute Friday.


Home is where...
things are calm from the storms of life
you know you are loved even in your toughest state
you can let your hair down and be appreciated for it
cuddles, hugs and kisses are always waiting
chores are never done, but you wouldn't have it any other way
story time is never just story time, it is another excuse to cuddle together
you can breath that breath of relief
you are safe
you are happy
you are content
The list could keep going and going.  I am sure you get the idea.  Lets remember to keep our homes heaven on earth.


Happy Friday!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Remember this?

Well it got me this for free!

I contacted Swiffer about my broken swiffer wet jet and they very kindly sent me a coupon to replace it for free.  Target has the red ones (limited edition).  Don't be afraid to contact a company with feedback, but always remember to be nice.  You never know how it might turn out.

I contact companies occasionally to leave my feedback (good or bad).  If there is a product that I really like I like to pass on my compliments to the company telling them why I like their product.  Not too long ago I contacted Target about their coupon policy and a product that I would like them to carry.  I received a thank you letter along with a $10 gift card in the mail.  Who knew?  That was a sweet surprise.  I also contacted EOS over their lip balm.  I love their lip balm, but imagine my surprise when I opened it and it had mold on it.  Ick!  EOS was very quick to respond to my emails and send me coupons not only for a free replacement, but some extra $1 off coupons as well.  I guess you could say it pays to give feedback.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Backwards Can Be Fun!

I know I have been a little hit and miss with the 5 minute Fridays, but that's because I am one busy mama and sometimes I don't even realize its Friday until its Sunday and Friday is gone.  This weeks topic Backwards.


Backwards is the way my brain works most of the time.  I do things only later to find out I skipped a very important step.  I say things and then realize I did not make  any sense at all.  It made sense in my backwards mind before I said it.  Sometimes I wish my mind wasn't so backwards all the time and sometimes I am thankful for my backwards mind because it gives  me yet another reason why I am nothing apart from God.  Having a backwards mind can be a challenge, but it can be fun too.  Just think of all the things that I have said and have given a good laugh.  It is like walking backwards, it is different and sometimes it is good to do things a little different.  It gives a new perspective and brings diversity to what would otherwise be a very boring day. 
Sometimes going backwards in time can be a good thing.  Reflecting on the good times of the past.  Where we have come from and all God has done in our lives.  Just remember don't get stuck in backwards time.  Don't remember what God has forgotten.  And always remember to go forward after going backwards!


Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I like clean floors and today in my quest for clean floors I did this.

I had not too long ago made some re-usable pads for my swiffer wet jet and just the other day found a way to refill the bottle so I don't have to buy those expensive refills. Now its broke!  That is a little frustrating.  I haven't decided if I am going to replace it or not.  I love the traditional wet mop, but unfortunately my laminate floors can't handle wet mopping. Oh, well.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Five Minute Friday: On Forgetting

Ready for another Five Minute Friday?  You can read the rules and her latest post at The Gypsy Mama.

Here we go:

Forgetting that is a perfect topic for me.  Now what was I going to say?

Sea what I mean.  Okay all kidding aside. Seriously sometimes I think I have lost my mind.  Take grocery shopping for instance I make a list, I study my list and I still forget something.  Without fail I will forget at least one item when I do my shopping this weekend.  I can't remember a time I haven't had to make a second or third trip to the store.  Even when going on a trip, I make lists and I check them twice, but it never fails after we are a good 2 hours down the road I will remember what it was that I didn't know I forgot.  This bothers me sometimes.  I just wonder if I am this bad now with lists what will I be like when I am old.  My Nana doesn't know who I am anymore.  Sure I could tell her my name and remind her that I am her granddaughter and which of her children I belong to, but it is not the same Nana that I grew up loving.  I don't want to forget who I am, who my children are, my husband or any of that.  One of my prayers is that I will have a sharp mind until the end.
There are good things about forgetting though.  Forgive and forget.  This doesn't mean we are to be foolish and keep getting duped because we 'forgot'.  It simply means that when we forgive someone we don't hold it over there head, keep bringing it up or use it against them.  I am glad that Christ forgave me and put my sins as far as the East is from the West, never to remember them anymore.

Times up.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A Birthday and Family Fun!

Oh, my it has been a while.  We have been very busy visiting with my small family (compared to the Duggars that is).  For those who may not know I am the oldest of 10.  My mom, 5 sisters, 3 of my brothers, a brother-in-law, 3 nephews and a niece were visiting, some for part of 2 weeks, some for all of 2 weeks and some a little longer.  We had a fun time as you can see from the pictures that follow.

This is Roochie's Birthday Outfit.  He loves the monsters and so do I.

 Uncles, Aunt, Cousins and Sister = Lots of Fun.
 I just love that smile!
 Roochie went with a blueberry cake with cream cheese frosting instead of cupcakes.
 Aunt Lissa and Uncle Dodo putting together the race track.

 I tried to keep him, but his parent's just couldn't part with him.  I don't blame them one bit.
This is only part of the peach pickin' group.

Peach picking goes by super fast with a group as large as we had.  It took us all of 5 minutes to pick $30 dollars worth of peaches. We actually would have been done in 2, but we spent 3 minutes getting the word out that we were done. ha ha!  Fresh peaches make the best cobbler and ice cream.  The funny thing is I never cared for peach cobbler growing up and now I love it.  We made 2 9x13 cobblers, an 8x8 gluten free cobbler and a gallon of peach ice cream.
All the pictures in this post remind me of this song.
Have a happy week!